Realtime | 48 new results for music |
 | thomasfiss: Websites that automatically play music are like random people on a plane trying to force a conversation. Twitter - 23 minutes ago |
 | cutblog: Kanye west just walked out to his own music. "as everyone knows I have to be the biggest fan of everyone inthis room." #CFDAawards Twitter - 40 minutes ago |
 | SoDamnEpic: I'll admit, i watched #Next2You Music Video.... i couldn't wait. And guess what Beliebers? He does some kissing xD Twitter - 1 hour ago |
 | Verlieren: The people who blast their music really loud never happen to be the same people who listen to decent music. Twitter - 1 hour ago |
 | BiebersOnlyGirl: i luv how noone freaked out wen justin kissed that girl in the next 2 u music video but wenever he even touches selena it's like world war 3 Twitter - 1 hour ago |
 | TeamMileyNY: "Who Owns My Heart" music video was uploaded on Hollywood Records channel and Miley's VEVO which means it has 26 million views to date. Twitter - 1 hour ago |
 | JBSource: Sorry I wasn't ment to post the Next 2 You Music Video. I took it down. Twitter - 1 hour ago |
 | fabtasticbieber: Even if the Next 2 You music video got leaked I'm still not gonna watch it. Be patient and wait for the final version, it's not that hard. Twitter - 1 hour ago |
 | JohnBirmingham: Has anyone behind all these cloud based music services thought of the junkies? Unable to steal my CDs how will they live? Twitter - 1 hour ago |
 | TheRealStanLee: Hey, troops, didja see the photo of Yoshiki and me from his upcoming music video? I play Satan! At least I'm not a janitor again Twitter - 2 hours ago |
 | doitbackwards: Gaga learns sign language to communicate w deaf fans. Gaga is a singer and has deaf fans. Major proof she's so much more than just music. Twitter - 2 hours ago |
 | MustHeartBieber: Watch the Next 2 You music video all you guys want. All I know is that I'm not gonna watch it until Justin & Chris actually release it. KBYE Twitter - 3 hours ago |
 | veeence: So, does this mean I can het all my illegal downloaded music replaced officially for legit copies for $25? That sound like a deal, no? Twitter - 3 hours ago |
 | DiaFramps: I'm not sure...was I watching the MTV music awards last night or Twilight? Twitter - 3 hours ago |
 | BestAt: RT @Karimi: Websites that automatically play music are like strangers who try to talk to you on a plane. Twitter - 3 hours ago |
 | SebastienPage: As of today, I will never look at clouds the same way. I'll always be wondering if my music or my photos are in there. Twitter - 3 hours ago |
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